Monday, July 2, 2007

Magic of Photoshop

Magic of Photoshop
Where has this guy been all my life? I got some pics he can play with!

Wake Up Prank

Wake Up Prank
With friends like this...

Happy Monday!!

Yay. Monday. Who likes Mondays? anyway, late start because it's been raining ALOT and my internet connection was acting up. I'm still having some problems, but I'll work 'em through. Still doing some "decorating" on my page, so things are gonna change consistently until I'm totally done. I want to add more music and jokes, then make a NICE header (the one I have now looks kinda ghetto, no offense if you're from there, I lived there too) Just trying to make it look like I know what I'm doing. As they become available, I also want to do more video and start doing some video posts. I'm still trying to learn this site so bear with me please! So until tomorrow, buh-bye...