Sunday, July 1, 2007

Wow, my 1st posting! I've never had a blog before, so I hope I'm doing this right. I set up this page for anyone who feels down in the dumps or is having a rough time with the kids. I'll be posting things that help me get through the day like music, movies, or even little things I may read in a magazine. I'm not a doctor, a shrink, or a professional of any kind. I'm just a young mom with five kids (six if you count my husband), who understands that even the best of us have bad days. That's why my title says Time of my Life because no matter what happens, it's still part of who you are, and even when you have a bad moment, there's still something positive there that makes you realize that life isn't really THAT bad, although sometimes it feels that way. I hope to be able to meet lots of people who know what most of us go through and just want to be friends.

Until next time, keep your head up and have a great time!!

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